The Magic of Winter

Tis the season for colder weather, long nights, and slowing down. I’ve always loved this time of year, especially the days leading up to the Winter Solstice, as Mother Nature gives us pause and permission to rest. In a world that reveres busyness, it’s so easy to live in a perpetual state of doing and achieving. Yet, it’s important to use this season to rest and restore our systems. Look at how the world of nature surrenders to winter – trees become bare, animals hibernate, the earth lies in a sleepy mist of stillness, patiently waiting for the new growth of spring. Winter’s long hours of darkness offers us the perfect opportunity to clear out the cobwebs from the previous year, steep our souls in creature comforts, and prepare for the coming light of spring. Here are a few thoughts to make the most of this beautiful season:

  1. Spend some time reflecting on the past year and how all areas of your life are working. Really lean back and listen to what your soul is wanting to shed from your life and what it’s wanting to step into.

  2. Visualize what you’re desiring for the coming year and write out your intentions. I save mine each year and then burn them on the following Winter Solstice. 

  3. Take advantage of the long nights and allow for extra rest.  

  4. Embrace your hibernation. This is the time of year to take full advantage of long baths, candles, and reading favorite books in front of the wood stove.

  5. Give yourself  a break from electronics and recapture the magic of the simple things in life. Take a walk on a clear night and gaze up at the stars and moon, spend some time with your favorite people, or make time for anything that taps into your fountain of pure joy -whatever makes you laugh, whoever makes your heart smile, or whatever inspires a sense of freedom and lightness in your life.

~ Winter Blessings to all

(I wrote a version of this for my friend's newsletter a few years ago, but I wanted to revisit since I love this season so much.)



Dina Wood